Friday, July 11, 2008


I can't even tell you how excited I was for this album to come out.  Emarosa put out an EP called "This Is Your Way Out" int 2007 with a different vocalist.  That cd was really heavy but showed so much promise, with the right producer and some growth they could have created a cd that would really impact the music environment.  Well their vocalist left and so went all the talent and originality.  Don't get me wrong, they inherited a fantastic vocalist from Dance Gavin Dance, there is no denying his ability but every song on this record sounds exactly the same. Most of the melodies are stale and the ability to pace an album just isn't there.  

To make matters worse, there is one song that is unbelievably good.  Seriously you should download "Heads or Tails? Real or Not" right now, I don't care who you are you will love it.  The melody in the first 20 seconds of the song is gorgeous and Emarosa are able to sustain that for the length of the song.  However, this song still doesn't atone for the musical atrocities that are present on this cd. It isn't that is really so bad but considering what it could have been they should really get their old singer on the phone.

Overall, I am extremely disappointed in this cd.  Their is no doubting their talent but either a producer led them astray or they just phoned this one in.  

For fans of: Saosin and Circa Survive 


Rachel said...

I'm excited for this blog! I haven't really listened to anything new in a while and my love for music has dwindled over the past year. Help me!

karisa said...

Oh man I LOVE Omarosa. She's so fierce that she makes Donald Trump look like a nice guy.

(no I am not serious)